The US Soccer Soccer Coaching Education Program is designed to benefit coaches of all levels. The main components of the program are formal certification courses and special topics clinics. The Coaching School Instructors are nationally licensed professionals who have been selected based on their qualifications and experience as coaches and educators.
The Coaching Resources section of the Georgia Soccer website has a number of manuals, videos and articles that cover a broad range of topics on player development.
All affiliated clubs can request to host courses, seminars and clinics.
Please read the information below and contact Kostas Hatzikoutelis, Director of Coaching .

US Soccer License Pathway
U.S. Soccer is committed to providing all coaches, from beginner to advanced, with education tailored to their experiences and the needs of their players. The Coaching License Pathway consists of a series of courses designed to meet the specific needs of a coach at every step of the way. U.S. Soccer believes education is a journey, and our goal is to provide the necessary tools, guidance, and mentorship a coach requires.
Coaching Course FAQ
Georgia Soccer is currently only offering the 4v4, 7v7, 9v9, and 11v11 Grassroots courses. And these courses are only offered in the Blended format. The blended format means that the theoretical component is delivered via a 2-hour virtual online instructor-led session and the practical component is done in a 2-hour in-person field session. The total course duration is 4 hours. The National ‘D’ course is currently not offered as we wait for US Soccer to create and release the Blended version of the ‘D’.
This document contains instructions for coaches who wish to register for a Grassroots course. Below you will find the following sections:
- Course description
- Safety protocols for attending Blended coaching courses
4v4, 7v7, 9v9, 11v11 Grassroots Blended Format Courses
(Virtual 2-hour class plus 2-hour in-person field component)
Course Fee: $70.00 plus $25.00 U.S. Soccer Fee.
Course Details:
The Grassroots Blended Courses are four-hours long and build on the principles covered in U.S. Soccer’s Introduction to Grassroots Coaching Module. Specifically, coaches will learn more about U.S. Soccer’s Grassroots Coaching Education Philosophy, Play-Practice-Play Methodology, the Six Tasks of a Coach, and the characteristics of players.
- The 4v4 course will focus on coaching players 6-8 years old.
- The 7v7 course will focus on coaching players 9-10 years old.
- The 9v9 course will focus on coaching players 11-12 years old.
- The 11v11 course will focus on coaching players 13 years old.
The courses will also ask each coach to reflect on their experiences to develop action steps for personal growth in the Six Tasks (Coaching Games, Coaching Training Sessions, Leading the Team, Leading the Player, Managing the Performance Environment, and Leadership).
Coaches will be asked to participate in discussions so each person should have access to web-camera/live video capabilities. Coaches may be asked to participate in the field component as either coaches or players, so please come prepared to actively learn.
Eligibility Requirements:
To qualify for the Grassroots Blended Courses, candidates must be at least 16 years old*, must create a coaches profile in the Learning Center in the US Soccer website, and have completed U.S. Soccer’s Introduction to Grassroots Coaching module.
*Due to online privacy laws, individuals under the age of 16 cannot create Learning Center (LC) profiles, and thus are unable to take Grassroots Courses.
Please contact Kostas Hatzikoutelis with any questions.
This section outlines the safety protocols for REGISTERING AND ATTENDING the US Soccer Grassroots coaching courses. These recommendations are per the following guidelines of the CDC and US Soccer:
General Health
1. If you are sick or have symptoms of an illness:
a. Stay home. Stay home regardless of what is causing your illness
b. If you are confirmed or suspected to have COVID-19, practice self-quarantine measures and contact your physician, do not attend the course or participate in activities if you have any of the symptoms listed below:
1. COVID exposure in the past 14 days
2. Sore throat
3. Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing
4. Fever >100.4 F
5. Chills
6. Headache
7. Sinus congestion
8. Cough persistent and or productive
9. Joint aches and soreness
10. Vomiting or diarrhea
11. Rash
c. Do not attend the course or go to the course site fields with any of the above symptoms. Remotely communicate your health status to the instructor/administrator prior to the course. Speak to a physician and follow CDC guidelines on self-quarantine
d. To discontinue quarantine and return to sport, obtain appropriate clearance from your medical provider
2. If you have been in close contact (within 6 feet) with someone who is suspected or confirmed to have COVID 19:
- Begin self-quarantine for 14-days under the guidance of a medical provider
Registering for the course
Candidates must complete the Georgia Soccer COVID-19 Waiver Form and scan it prior to the course to the Coaching Administrator.
During the course field session:
- Wash or sanitize your hands often.
- Cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Dispose of tissue in a sealed trash can.
- Avoid spitting and coughing.
- Wear a mask when not participating in the field activity as a player.
- It is recommended that everyone wear personal protection equipment as much as possible. The PPE should cover the nose and mouth, be breathable, consist of cotton or wick type material, and follow CDC guidelines.
- Maintain social distances during the course except when playing.
- If a candidate volunteers to coach, he/she should bring his/her own pennies, cones, and balls for the session and must sanitize all the equipment prior to the field session.
- It is recommended to wear gloves.
- If a candidate becomes ill after the course, he/she must notify Tara Daniel, the Georgia Soccer Coaching Administrator, right away, so she can notify all the course participants.
US Soccer has launched the LEARNING CENTER, a comprehensive resource center for coaches at all license levels. The LC allows coaches to create a personal profile, register for courses, communicate with technical staff, take part in online courses, create session plans, access an archive of U.S. Soccer training sessions, and much more. Coaches who take courses through the LC will be granted access to the LC for one year.
All coaches must start their education by creating a coach’s profile within the LC platform and taking the free online Introduction to Coaching course (30 minutes). After that, they are eligible to work their way through the courses, beginning with the Grassroots courses.
Prerequisite for the Grassroots Game Model 4v4, 7v7, 9v9, and 11v11 Courses:
Coaches must take the free LC online Introduction to Coaching course in order to be eligible for the Grassroots courses.
Prerequisite for the National D License Course: either the grassroots licenses or National E license as explained below
Coaches must take at least two (2) Grassroots In-Person courses, one of which must be the 11v11 course, plus at least one (1) online Grassroots Game Model course. Coaches who already have taken the online F course do not need to take the Grassroots online course. No waiting period is required.
Coaches mustpossess the National E license. No waiting period is required.
- National D License: for coaching all age groups 6U to 18U
- Duration: 70 hours
- Cost: $395 plus $25 U.S. Soccer administrative fee
This course provides a detailed analysis of the modern methods of coaching players of all ages. It involves 40 hours of instruction and testing, plus 30 hours of assignments. Successful completion is based on the following phases:
- Preparation Phase: Candidates are required to complete pre-course assignments as explained in the LC.
- Instructional Phase: Candidates must attend the first weekend of the course.
- Deliberate Practice Phase: This occurs between the first and second weekends of the course. Candidates are required to complete assignments as explained in the LC.
- Practical Testing Phase: Candidates must attend the second weekend and do the practical testing. Candidates register for both weekends upfront and must attend the pre-determined second weekend of the course. Candidates cannot attend any “second weekend” they wish.
It is not possible to cross over from the United Soccer Coaches pathway to the U.S. Soccer pathway. The new U.S. Soccer policy requires that coaches start at the online Introduction to Coaching in the LC and move through the U.S. Soccer courses to get to the top level.
U.S. Soccer recently made policy changes in relation to who is eligible to register for U.S. Soccer courses. Below is an excerpt from the new policy:
The minimum age requirement for A, B, and C courses is 18. The minimum age requirement for D, Grassroots is 16. Further, entry to the C course requires a D license held for a minimum of twelve (12) months; entry to the B course requires a C license held for a minimum of twelve (12) months; and entry to the A course requires a B license held for a minimum of twelve (12) months, except as follows:
(1) A player or coach with three (3) years experience on the Men’s or Women’s Senior National Team and three (3) years coaching experience may apply for entry into a C course upon submitting proper documentation of his/her playing and/or coaching background. All waiver cases require the final approval of the Federation.
(2) A player or coach with at least five (5) years experience on the Men’s or Women’s Senior National Team and five (5) years coaching experience may apply for entry into a B course upon submitting proper documentation of his/her playing and/or coaching background. All waiver cases require the final approval of the Federation.
(3) A professional player or former professional player with at least five (5) years experience in a professional league, as defined in Federation Bylaw 109, and five (5) years coaching experience may apply for entry into a B course upon submitting proper documentation of his/her playing and coaching background. All waiver cases require the final approval of the Federation.
(4) An individual with a license of another FIFA national association that has been confirmed in writing by that national association may apply for entry into the course deemed appropriate by the Federation.